Monday, February 13, 2023

Bitcoin to soar by 2025 says Robert Kiyosaki

 Renowned financial expert Robert Kiyosaki predicts a financial crisis, gold at $5,000, silver at $500, and bitcoin at $500,000 by 2025.

Robert Kiyosaki, the renowned financial expert and author of the international bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has recently tweeted about a potential financial crisis and the impact it could have on the global economy.

According to Kiyosaki, a giant crash is coming, and the possibility of a depression cannot be ruled out. The Federal Reserve may be forced to print billions in fake money, and by 2025, the value of gold is expected to reach $5,000, silver to reach $500, and bitcoin to reach $500,000.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

US lawmakers want crypto miners to share energy and emissions data

 Core crypto critic Elizabeth Warren, alongside seven other democrat lawmakers, compelled the government to disclose the energy consumption data of crypto miners domiciled in the US.

The lawmakers stated that it is “essential” for a “disclosure regime” to be adopted quickly and “on a required basis” in the letter, which was addressed to key figures like Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and EPA Administrator Michael Regan.

Warren is leading the team, and they’re hoping that this latest intervention letter will give the basis for the full-scale scrutiny of the crypto mining impacts on the energy emission goals of the US. 

Bank of England Releases Paper on Digital Pound CBDC

 The central bank of Britain is pushing forward with its CBDC (central bank digital currency) plans with the release of a new consultation paper on the digital pound.

On Feb. 7, the Bank of England and the HM Treasury department published a consultation paper on the “digital pound,” a UK central bank digital currency.

It added that the CBDC would be subject to rigorous privacy and data protection standards.

“It would be privacy-enhancing by design and would allow users to make choices about their data,” the bank stated.

The Bank of England said that it was too early to decide on launching the digital pound but judged it likely that one would be needed in the future.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Shiba Inu’s burn rate drops by over 99% as the price plunges

 The second-largest dog-themed cryptocurrency by market cap, shiba inu (SHIB), has grown more than 18% over the last seven days, but its price has been dropping in the past 24 hours. Moreover, SHIB’s burn rate has also plunged significantly. 

At the time of writing, SHIB is down by roughly 4% and is trading at $0.000014. Over the past 30 days, the meme coin has risen by over 65% as the total crypto market cap surpassed the $1 trillion mark, according to CoinMarketCap (CMC) data.

WeTransfer Enters NFT Industry Via Minima Partnership:

 WeTransfer has been looking for ways to enter the Web3 ecosystem and has now decided to aid content creators.

WeTransfer, a freemium model file-sharing platform, has moved towards Web3 with a recently announced partnership with Minima that would allow users to create and send NFTs from their phones.

Creativity and Privacy

According to Damian Bradfield, the Chief Creative Officer at WeTransfer, the decision to partner with Minima came due to a closely-aligned vision and target market.

“WeTransfer is thrilled to work with Minima, whose vision is aligned strongly with ours to seamlessly connect people and facilitate innovation and creativity without sacrificing privacy.”

Monday, February 6, 2023

Luxury rehabs treat ‘crypto addiction’ for thousands of dollars

 Around 1% of cryptocurrency traders will eventually acquire an “extreme” addiction to trading cryptocurrencies. Due to this, rehabs in Switzerland, Spain, and other countries recently began offering treatment for an ‘addiction to crypto trading.’

What is crypto addiction?

Even if not everyone succumbs to the lure of cryptocurrency trading, it’s easy to understand how the combination of rapid price swings, a 24-hour market, more than 21,000 different tokens to gamble on, and a vibrant online community may be enticing.

A16z Exerts Control Over Uniswap by Downvoting BNB Chain Deployment

 The VC giant has used its overwhelming voting power in an attempt to quash a proposal by Uniswap governance.

Crypto venture firm a16z has used its 15 million UNI token voting block to vote against a proposal that would use the Wormhole bridge for Uniswap V3 deployment on BNB Chain.

According to the ongoing results of the proposal vote, a16z’s overwhelming token stash enabled it to control around half of the votes so far, pushing the decision its way.

The proposal to deploy the latest Uniswap iteration on the BNB Chain was submitted on Feb. 2. It was made by 0xPlasma Labs on behalf of the Uniswap Community, following a temperature check with 80% in favor of the proposal.

The voting period will conclude on Feb. 10, and only 3% or 30.5 million votes had been cast at the time of writing. For a vote to pass, it must achieve a quorum of 4% or 40 million UNI tokens. A16z has made every effort to make sure this doesn’t happen.

'Groundhog Day' in Crypto as Bitcoin Again Plunges Following New Record

The world's largest crypto briefly rose above $70,000 Friday, but immediately tumbled about 5% to below $67,000 It's deja vu all ove...